Saturday, April 18, 2020

Covid19 Supply and Demand

Today Dave went to the supermarket, gloved and masked. He headed out with a short list of things that we wanted to buy. Shopping trip completed, Dave returned home, stripped down by the front door, marched his clothing to the washing machine, dumped it in, then headed to the bathroom and went right into the shower. Speaking later with Decontaminated Dave, I said: "I noticed you didn't buy any eggs." "No dear, they wanted five dollars a dozen." We have one sentence left here and I am wondering: Should I use it or hoard it?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Successful Trip Through The Maze

You want this in six sentences?
The groundhog has spent days attempting to unravel old passwords, e-mails, various dead-end pathways through underground tunnels, in an attempt to find her way into an abandoned blog.
In the process she came upon an awful lot of e-mail addresses, including one that receives an enormous haul from Groupon Chicago.
The groundhog has never lived in Chicago, so that was surprising.
The groundhog shakes her head; squints her eyes at the unexpected sunlight.
She never expected to find her way through.